Thursday, June 3, 2010

Spurlock, Part 2

Here's the second, unedited part of my initial interview with state worker Ian Spurlock ... comments are welcome and can be posted without leaving your name ...


There are a few reasons that I feel the Union doesn't represent me, both ideologically and professionally. Professionally, it boils down to the furlough days.

Let me be clear when I say I understand the necessity of the government to cut back across the board to plug the budget deficit. State workers are just one piece of the puzzle where savings must be found, and that's fine. The Union was able to broker a nice sweetheart deal (after a little creative blockading of a Corzine/Biden rally) where we receive 1 day of paid leave for every 2 furlough days we take. That's wonderful, I appreciate it. position, and that of every single person in my unit, Disability Determination Services, is 100% federally funded. The Federal Government pays the State of New Jersey to administer the program. When we get furloughed, the State has to give that money back to the Feds. So, by furloughing us, the State saves...nothing.

When I switched into this position from my tempory one in Unemployment, we were sent to training in Newark for 3 months. We all got to talk as a group with a Shop Steward from Newark, and I asked him point blank, 'Why are we being furloughed if we're federally funded?'

His response was, 'Yeah, the Union kind of sold us out.'

If you represent my interests, where were you during those negotiations, when you were supposed to be doing just that?

Each paycheck, I pay 1% of my gross salary to the Union. That comes out to $16.08 every two weeks. Mind you, this is not the full dues of a member. This is mandated by the contract as 'Representation Fees'. I do not get to vote. I pay this money for the right the be represented by them in contract negotiations and grievances.

But come on, ff push comes to shove and I need defense representation for disciplinary reasons or for a grievance, am I really going to want people who couldn't get 100% federally funded employees exempt for furloughs talking for me? No, no I am not.

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