Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hamilton teacher speaks

After a few failed starts, I finally found a non-tenured Hamilton teacher who was laid off and willing to talk. The teacher wanted to remain anonymous, as there is still theoretical hope there could be some rehiring done.
Here’s a bunch of direct quotes ...

“Almost all of the non-tenured teachers I work with feel misrepresented by the union. I spoke with my union rep, and I was told they were doing everything they can to save my job. So I asked what was being done, because I haven’t seen anyone in the union doing anything to protect my job.”

“The union reps never asked the rank and file about pay freezes or opening up the contract. It’s not fair. Why can’t we simply take a vote? I don’t care if I lose 500-to-2, the fact remains we don’t get to have an opinion that matters. What’s the point of having a union without having a say?”

“Before the layoffs, my union rep told me it was only a scare tactic, that no teachers would be laid off. Then 70 of us were, but why us? No one has an answer to the simple question: Why was I chosen?”


  1. I am with you on this one. I was laid off too, and heard all the same BS that you did. My union rep had absolutely no answers for any of the questions that were asked of her. I have two simple questions I would like answered. “What did the union do to save our jobs?” And “Do we get any of the union dues back that we paid.” It is ridiculous what happened in Hamilton. There are rumors going around that people were chosen, based on if they new anyone in the district. If you didn’t have any ties to anyone, than you were cut. The fact remains, there were teachers across the district, in the same departments, with less time on the job than the teachers who were cut, but they did not receive slips? Now who can answer me why to this question? And what are we suppose to do now? If there are any lawyers out there, who feel like an injustice was done, please help us.

  2. It seems that the same is happening in my district. The union never has an answer to any questions except for "we are working on it". What are they working on, their own deal, of course for every sell out there is a plus for them. Then you go to the Board Meetings to speak about your concerns and the Board then gives you a 3 minute window to be heard, however how are they hearing you if they are either on their cellphones texting people or talking back and forth amongst themselves. Thewn when the speaker asks for their attention they wave the speaker on and say go ahead we're listening. Then when you are done, the anmswer is always the same, "we are not prepared to answer that question today." Well guess what this is the same question that has been asked fo the past 4 board meetings, so why isn't an answer available, oh I know because you have no idea what the question is especially because the note taker is texting someone. Many of us here were Riffed, the question is why are people being riffed and in the mean time jobs are being created at the Board Office level making $65,000 to $109,000 yearly? I don't get it, you RIF me and then create and hire new people? If the budget has been cut please tell me why and how????? So you RIF me to use my salary to pay your friend.....Please people speak up for your rights, I did and do and probably the reason i was RIFFED was because i'm an open honest book and they don't know how to deal with the TRUTH!!!!
